Junior High 4 Projects


  • 1st World War
  • Between the Wars /Roaring 20s
  • 2nd World War
  • Cold War
  • European Union


First World War and the Interwar Period

At the beginning of the school year we read Arthur Schnitzler’s “Lieutenant Gustl” and engaged ourselves in the history of the time of 1900 and the beginning of the First World War. To deepen ourselves into the First World War we also read a book “A Field Post for Pauline” from Maja Nielsen. The book is made up of letters and daily journals. In History and English classes the pupils learn historic facts and use their own creative texts in the form of journals, letters and inner monologues. To conclude the First World War and the Interwar Period the pupils make portfolios with texts and information from German, English and History classes.

Second World War

Surely the broadest topic that has the most emphasis in Junior High 4 is the Second World War, which is covered by German, History, English plus Geography and Art. The mindset of this time should be understood through the analysis of literature, such as "Die Welle", "Die Schachnovelle" or "Night" and other sources and critically discussed.

In German class the pupils’ impressions, thoughts and emotions are expressed in very personal texts. In Art class the pupils do creative artwork based on the theme of “El Guernica” by Picasso.

To wrap up the Second World War, students watch a film “La vita è bella” (Life is Beautiful) and discuss about it afterwards. A trip to the "Jüdisches Museum Wien" gives students even more insights into this difficult history period. 

Cold War, Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall  

Late in the year we engage ourselves with the Cold War and the Iron Curtain. We also look at the situation in Germany during the time of the Berlin Wall, the GDR (German Democratic Republic) and the FRG (Federal Republic of Germany). 

European Union

At the end of the school year students learn how the EU was formed and about the constitution, functions and tasks of the different organizations of the EU.