2nd Gradee

2nd Grade Curriculum

This guide is designed to give parents and outline of the main objectives their children will be taught during the upcoming year.  It would be difficult to list everything that will be taught, but these pages will provide an overview of the most significant aspects of the curriculum for second grade students.

The philosophy of instruction at the elementary level provides for a personalized and individualized approach to learning.  In the integrated language arts program, a core of children’s literature is used with other materials to help teachers emphasize lifelong reading, comprehension, and critical thinking as primary goals.  A variety of assessment strategies are emphasized to determine a student’s instructional needs and academic progress.  These subjects are taught using a wide variety of materials and methods with emphasis on problem-solving and an understanding of basic concepts.

It should be noted that the objectives listed below are merely samples from the various subject areas.  They are taught in an integrated-thematic program so those students can see the relationship of school subjects to their lives.  Most children master what is outlined on these pages.  Some children will learn more quickly than others will.  Enrichment is provided for students progressing at a faster pace, while special help is available for those who are experiencing difficulty.

Social Skills

Focus:  The development of social skills is integrated in all areas of the curriculum.

  • Understanding self and others.
  • Decision making and problem solving.
  • Interpersonal and communication skills.
  • School success skills.
  • Personal and social responsibilities.
  • Sense of community.



  • Clearly expresses ideas.
  • Demonstrate effective participation in conversation.
  • Learn the intricacies of storytelling.
  • Describe experiences and events.
  • Participate in creative, dramatic activities.
  • Retell stories, ordering events using story language.
  • Listen to and follow instructions correctly.
  • Tell stories from their own experience in an audible voice.


  • Identify the parts of two and three-syllable words and apply phonic knowledge and skills.
  • Automatically recognise a number of familiar high frequency words.
  • Refine sound-symbol associations.
  • Develop structural analysis.
  • Strengthen literal and inferential comprehension using a variety of reading materials.
  • Understand concept of story.
  • Recognize story elements such as plot, character, events and setting.

Language and Writing

  • Experience various forms of writing.
  • Develop grammatical skill.
  • Perfect writing to include expanded sentences.
  • Develop paragraph writing.
  • Use steps of process writing: first draft; revisions; conferencing; rewriting; publishing.
  • Create short and simple sentences on paper.
  • Use key features of their own thoughts through writing.
  • Write chronological texts using simple structures.


  • Learn cursive writing.


  • accepting a dramatic context and assuming roles within it
  • using the imagination to explore a dramatic context
  • Readers’ theatre- reading aloud with expression and in a clear voice
  • concentration and awareness of playing a role within a group
  • awareness of an audience, and of being an audience member
  • using the body and voice as a means of expression
  • using a story or a piece of text as a springboard for creating drama


  • Spell common words in context.
  • Identify the correct spelling of long and short vowel patterns.
  • Spell unfamiliar words by primarily sounding out the letters.
  • Read and spell decidable two and three-syllable words.


  • Identify parts of speech such as noun, verb and adjective.
  • Use capitalization and punctuation correctly.
  • Identify synonyms and antonyms.
  • Recognize homonymic words.
  • Past, present and future tenses.
  • Recognize the difference between complete and incomplete sentences.


Die Schwerpunkte der 2. Klasse sind:

  • Erlernen der Schreibschrift
  • sinnerfassendes Lesen
  • Wortarten benennen und erkennen können
  • Referate: 1. Semester: Buchvorstellung, 2. Semester: Tier
  • extra Leseförderung durch Lesepass und Büchereibesuche


  • einen begrenzten Wortschatz sicher beherrschen
  • einige grundlegende Kenntnisse der Großschreibung
  • von gesicherten Wörtern zur Schreibung anderer Wortformen gelangen
  • Satzschlusszeichen (Punkt, Fragezeichen, Rufzeichen) richtig anwenden
  • Zusammensetzung und Trennung einfacher Worte
  • elementare Einsicht in die Regelhaftigkeit der Rechtschreibung anwenden
  • Einführung in den Gebrauch des Wörterbuchs


  • permanente und gezielte Maßnahmen zur Weckung des Lesewillens und zur Erhaltung der Lesefreude
  • erfassen, dass Schrift und andere Zeichen etwas bedeuten und dass man ihre Bedeutung durch „Lesen“ finden kann
  • Übungen zum sinnerfassenden Lesen; Beantworten von Fragen zum gelesenen Text
  • Unterscheiden von Wichtigem und Unwichtigem


  • Erlernen der Schreibschrift
  • Wörter und Sätze gut lesbar ab- und aufschreiben
  • formgerechtes und geordnetes Schreiben

Verfassen von Texten

  • Wichtiges von weniger Wichtigem bzw. Unwichtigem unterscheiden
  • vorgegebene Textteile ergänzen
  • gemeinsames Erarbeiten eines Textes
  • zu unterschiedlichen Schreibanlässen einen Text verfassen
  • vorbereitende Übungen zum freien Verfassen von Texten
  • vorgegebene Textteile zu einem eigenen Text ergänzen


  • der Satz als Sinneinheit
  • Wortarten (Begleiter, Namenwort, Tunwort, Wiewort) benennen und erkennen können
  • bewusstes Arbeiten an den Unterschieden der deutschen und englischen Sprache


Die Schwerpunkte der 2. Klasse sind:

  • Zahlenraum 100 (Kopfrechnen)
  • Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division
  • Einmaleins bis 11
  • Extra: Einmaleinsführerschein, Vertiefung der Rechenoperationen durch 40-Club

Aufbau der natürlichen Zahlen

  • Auf- und Ausbauen des Zahlenraumes bis 100 (Zahlenstrahl, symbolische Darstellung, Hundertertafel)
  • Entwickeln des Zahlenbegriffs
  • Entwickeln grundlegender mathematischer Fähigkeiten
  • Bestimmen von Vorgänger und Nachfolger
  • Gerade und ungerade Zahlen identifizieren
  • Begriffe „von, bis, zwischen“ unterscheiden und anwenden können
  • Unterscheidung von Ziffer und Zahl


  • Verwenden der entsprechenden Symbole (+ - . = : )
  • Rechenoperationen im additiven und multiplikativen Bereich
  • Erarbeitung des Einmaleins und Einsineins unter Beachtung von Zusammenhängen wie fortgesetztes Addieren, Verdoppeln, Halbieren, Vertauschen, Zerlegen und Messen
  • Vergleichen von Rechenausdrücken unter Verwendung der Relationszeichen
  • Erweitern der additiven Rechenoperationen bei steigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad mit Zehnerüber- und –unterschreitung im größeren Zahlenraum
  • Runden von Zahlen
  • Verdoppeln und Halbieren von Zahlen
  • spielerisches Anbahnen des Verständnisses von Rechengesetzen
  • Lösen von Sachproblemen


  • Längenmaße (Meter, Zentimeter, Dezimeter, Millimeter)
  • Gewichtsmaße (Kilogramm, Dekagramm)
  • Raum (Liter)
  • Zeit (Sekunde, Minute, Stunde, Tag, Woche, Monat, Jahr)
  • Geld (Euro, Cent)
  • anschauliches Einführen und Anwenden von Maßeinheiten
  • Entwickeln von Vorstellungen zu Größen
  • bewusstes Erleben von Zeitabläufen
  • Kennenlernen der Notwendigkeit verschiedener Messgeräte
  • Anwenden von Größen in Sachaufgaben


  • Untersuchen von Körpern
  • Feststellen der Eigenschaften einfacher Körper
  • Verwenden von Begriffen wie stumpf, spitz, eckig, rund, krumm, gerade, offen, geschlossen
  • Vergleichen von Körpern und Ordnen nach ihren Eigenschaften
  • Untersuchen und Benennen von Flächen
  • Sammeln von Erfahrungen zum Begriff „Fläche“ (begreifen, ausmalen, falten, schneiden)
  • handelndes Entdecken von Symmetrien
  • Herstellen und Untersuchen einfacher symmetrischer Figuren
  • Hantieren mit Zeichengeräten
  • Längen vergleichen und Unterschiede feststellen


Focus:  Science experiences will continue to build upon children’s natural curiosity and science inquiry skills, including observing, comparing, communicating, and beginning organizing, as well as the repertoire of experience with elements of the living and non-living world gained in earlier years.  This will lead students to develop understanding of the following concept:

Life Science

  • Different characteristics and behaviours of organisms enable them to survive most effectively in particular habitat.
  • Each organism has special living requirements, and each has its own way to get the energy and nutrients it needs.
  • Using sunlight, plants can make their own food from air and water, while animals must consume plants to survive.

Physical Science

  • Materials can exist in different states including solid, liquid and gaseous.

Earth and Space Science

  • The sun and moon have regular movements in the sky which can be observed and recorded.
  • Changes in temperature, wind, and precipitation occur in regular patterns throughout the year, can be observed and recorded.
  • The earth’s surface is made of many kinds of materials, including water, and other materials in various sizes, such as sand, soil, pebbles, and rocks.

Processes of Science 
Children will:

  • Develop skills of careful observation.
  • Ask questions about their observations, such as, “What would happen if? How can I make it happen? What makes it happen?”
  • Make predictions based on prior experience.
  • Conduct simple investigations knowing what is to be compared or looked for.
  • Use mathematics and tools of technology to gather data and construct explanations.
  • Communicate observations and explanations through writing, discussions, drawings and simple graphs.
  • Work collaboratively with other students and listen to their explanations.

Social Studies


  • To learn to use the tools that historians and geographers use (e.g., maps, books, pictures, artefacts, primary sources, interviews).
  • Identifying events as past, present, future.
  • Use basic time words.
  • Relate day and night to earth’s rotation.
  • Learning to become an independent student.
  • Using critical thinking skills in daily life.
  • Learn how to classify areas in geography and history.

Areas of Study:


  • Its importance to the community.

Social Awareness

  • Emergency situations.
  • Make-up of community.
  • Appreciation.

Citizenship and Government

  • Responsibilities of citizens in the community, state, country, world.


  • Cultural awareness of roots of community.
  • Appreciation of diverse motives for emigration.
  • Holidays and concepts and their effects on community, state, country, world.


  • Map and globe skills.
  • Locate equator, continents, oceans, rivers, mountains, prairie, Europe.
  • Learn symbols (N, S, E, and W).
  • Natural resources of area.
  • Different habitats.

Physical Education

Focus:  The physical education program challenges each individual student to perform to the best of his/her ability in areas of safety, large and small muscle coordination, aerobic conditioning and exercise, movement patterning, body awareness, team play and cooperative learning.


Students will be encouraged to:

  • Develop problem solving skills.
  • Develop good work ethics and craftsmanship.
  • Accept and appreciate cultural differences and other points of view.
  • Become familiar with the works of famous artists.
  • Express themselves creatively through various art mediums (drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and crafts).


Focus:  The basics of melodic and rhythmic note reading including bass and treble clef are focused on.  Other basic musical concepts are introduced, such as identifying major and minor sounds.  Development of the voice, breathing mechanism and performance practices will continue.